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Inste has a certificate, diploma, and degree program. 
The Certificate Program can be taken in three different ways based on your needs.



Small-Group Based 

– This option has a physical book and physical or online exams. Most INSTE students study in local church-based groups.


INSTE Online 

– Our second option offers a physical book and online exams. Group will meet via video conferencing.


Digital Courses 

– This option gives the student a complete online experience with online book and exams. All course material is studied and completed online in a digital format. We have implemented the pedagogical and didactic tools offered by modern distance education so that you will have a better online learning experience. Students still meet in groups online once a week to grow relationships with fellow believers and apply the information learned throughout the week.

Students who successfully complete the Digital Course in Spiritual Growth will be rewarded with special recognition. Also, this Digital Course is equivalent to Discipleship 1 for completing Level 1 INSTE.

Looking for more information? Please email or call the church office at 313-657-4287.

Certificate Program Information

Requirement: 8 credit hours

This certificate program is structured around four crucial discipleship habits: personal devotions, Bible study skills, relationships, and ministry. This program focuses on the character development of the disciple. Intensive discipleship (being) plus foundational Bible and theological input (knowing) lead to ministry (doing).


Each believer has gifts, talents, and skills that are to be used in the Kingdom of God. Through this program, maturing disciples find their places in the Body of Christ, in which they can serve the Lord with joy and effectiveness.


Course Enrollment Form: (required for each course you take)



Digital Course Enrollment PDF


MIN101 – Discipleship 1: Following Jesus in Committed Service   (2 hours)

This course highlights the formation of basic skills and attitudes which characterize a disciple of Jesus Christ; i.e., devotional habits, personal Bible studies, the function of prayer in the life of a disciple, how to effectively witness, plus biblical attitudes toward others and oneself.


Please note that this is called “Spiritual Growth” for the digital course.

THE102 – Discipleship 2: Finding Your Ministry in the Body of Christ   (2 hours)


This course focuses attention on the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. It begins with the doctrine of the Church with a special emphasis on how to discover and develop spiritual gifts in the Body of Christ.


Also studied are vital doctrines such as the inspiration of the Bible, the nature of God, the person and work of Jesus Christ, man and sin, salvation and sanctification, the Holy Spirit, angels, and last things. All doctrines are presented from a practical and apologetic viewpoint.


Please note that this is called “Practical Christian Living” for the digital course.

BIB103 – The Old Testament: Discovering Treasures in the Word of God   (2 hours)


The purpose of this course is to provide the disciple with a solid foundation for studies in the Old Testament. The student learns the general content of each book, its relationship to the rest of the canon, and the place of each in the progressive revelation of God in the Old Testament.


BIB104 – The New Testament: Exploring the Riches of the Word of God   (2 hours)


A synthetic approach to Bible study of each New Testament book. We consider key questions such as background, authorship, major themes, outlines, and personal application of biblical truth to the life of the disciple.


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